Steve and Ryder
Steve has battled many health challenges over the last 17 years, a spinal cord injury resulting in quadriplegia and many in-between disabling
A hard working master plumber, married 29 years, father of four daughters, navigating a downward spiral into paralysis and the fight to regain movement is the hardest battle of his life.
This type of injury leaves a person reliant on others for help. It becomes quite lonely. Then comes Genesis Assistance Dogs.
When Steve received the call that he was matched with a service dog, it was elation, anticipation of positive change and a positive jolt to his life that hadn’t been experienced in quite some time.
After Steve was introduced to Ryder, he was struck by the peaceful demeanor of this loving dog and the joy he seemed to reflect in serving and responding to commands. Truly reflective of the level of training this pup had received.
Ryder continues with his loyalty and care that he shows Steve on a daily basis, and Steve makes sure that Ryder is made to feel the most loved assistance dog ever.